International Helvi Sipilä Seminar organized for the 17th time: My Body is Mine – Women’s Human Rights and Technological Innovations

International Helvi Sipilä seminar: My Body is Mine – Women’s Human Rights and Technological Innovations
Thursday 9th March 2023 9.00–10.15 am EST / New York. Breakfast served at 8.45.
16–17.15 pm EET / Helsinki.
Online and Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations, 605 Third Avenue, 35 Floor, New York.
This year’s seminar focuses on two themes regarding girls’ and women’s rights online.
Firstly, it will discuss girls’ and women’s equal and safe access to internet and technological innovations all over the world. Secondly, it brings forth insights across the globe on factors supporting women’s empowerment and generational equality, such as free platforms to learn IT skills and coding, which may ensure that internet is harnessed in support of women’s human rights.
The seminar is organized jointly by UN Women Finland, the Finnish Federation of Graduate Women, the National Council of Women of Finland, the Coalition of Finnish Women’s Associations – NYTKIS, and the Young Women’s Christian Association of Finland YWCA.
Register to the seminar here or watch the live stream.
9.00 am | Welcome Pia-Lisa Sundell, Chair, the Coalition of Finnish Women’s Associations NYTKIS |
9.05 am | Opening remarks Thomas Blomqvist, Minister for Nordic Cooperation and Equality of Finland |
9.15 am | Keynote speech Mona Sinha, Global Executive Director, Equality Now |
9.25 am | Video: Women and the internet in Afghanistan Bhishtah Mohammadi, journalist |
9.30 am | Comments Sumi Clara Dcosta, RiseUp! Youth Lead, Young Women’s Christian Association Nazneen Damji, UN Women, HIV/AIDS Advisor of the Policy Division |
9.45 am | Discussion Elina Kalkku, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Finland to the United Nations Saara-Sofia Sirén, Member of Parliament, President, the National Council of Women of Finland |
10.00 am | Questions |
10.10 am | Closing remarks Katri Viinikka, Ambassador for Gender Equality of Finland |
10.15 am | End of event |
Moderator | Jutta Hartikainen, the Finnish Federation of Graduate Women |
Who is Helvi Sipilä?
Helvi Sipilä (1915–2009) was a Finnish lawyer, diplomat and the first female Assistant Secretary-General of the UN.
Sipilä received numerous national and international awards including twelve honorary doctorates, and she was granted the honorary title of State Minister in 2001. She held leadership position in several associations, including the International Federation of Women Lawyers and the International Council of Women.
Helvi Sipilä’s profession in law was exceptional at the time. When she announced the opening of her own law firm in 1943, she became the second woman in the Finnish history to practice as a lawyer. She ran her own law firm for 30 years. Private entrepreneurship enabled her to engage in extensive social activities, including service as a member of governmental missions.
While Assistant Secretary-General, she was appointed Secretary-General for the UN World Conference on Women in Mexico 1975. She continued to work as a consultant for the UN until 1981, co-creating the UN Fund for the Advancement of Women in 1976, later known as UNIFEM (now part of UN Women), during the UN Decade for Women 1976–1985.
Helvi Sipilä was a well-known and respected advocate for equality and women’s rights. Her important legacy will live on.
The International Helvi Sipilä Seminar Series was inspired by a keynote speech held by Sipilä at the Special Session of the UN Assistant Secretary-Generals held at the CSW49 in 2005. The first international Helvi Sipilä Seminar was organized at the CSW50 in 2006 to honor the work of Minister Helvi Sipilä. The Seminar Series addresses challenging issues that affect women and their lives locally and globally in the 21st century. This year’s event is the 17th seminar in this series.
Kansainvälinen Helvi Sipilä seminaari: My Body is Mine – Women’s Human Rights and Technological Innovations
Torstai 9.3.2023 klo 9:00-10:15 EST (New York), 16-17:15 EET (Helsinki)
17. kansainvälinen Helvi Sipilä Seminaari keskittyy kahteen teemaan liittyen naisten ja tyttöjen oikeuksiin netissä. Seminaarissa keskustellaan tyttöjen ja naisten tasapuolisesta ja turvallisuudesta pääsystä internettiin ja mahdollisuudesta käyttää ja hyötyä teknologisista innovaatiosta eri puolilla maailmaa, sekä esitellään kansainvälisiä kokemuksia siitä, minkälaiset tekijät tukevat naisten ja tyttöjen voimaantumista ja sukupolvien ylisen tasa-arvon toteutumista. Esimerkiksi ilmaiset alustat ja ohjelma jotka opettavat IT taitoja ja koodaamista voivat toimia tehokkaina työkaluina, joiden avulla internetin mahdollisuudet saadaan valjastettua tukemaan ja edistämään tyttöjen ja naisten oikeuksia.
Seminaari järjestään yhteistyössä UN Women Suomen, Suomen akateemisten naisten liiton, Nytkis ry:n , Nuorten Naisten Kristillisen Yhdistyksen (NNKY) ja Naisjärjestöjen keskusliiton kanssa.
Ilmoittaudu seminaariin täällä tai liity mukaan livestreamin kautta. Seminaarin kieli on englanti.
Lue lisää Helvi Sipilän inspiroivasta elämästä täällä.